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Welcome To the Home of The Seven Day

We are excited to have you here!

All of our work revolves around Mental and Existential Health Needs and Personal Growth Psychology.  

You will find information on:

1-1 Consults - Medical Psychology

Corporate Training Programmes 

The Seven Day Soul Retreats & Events

A Tweak A Week - The Podcast

"Tweak" - The App (wellness at home)

You can also contact us


 Visit Our
A Tweak A Week Podcast Page


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I have found over the years that nearly all the topics I help with come under 3 headings:

3 Levels of Fatigue Red Corrected JPEG.jpg

The examples in the diagram above aren't an exhaustive list of all the many ways that upset, confusion, anxiety and crisis can show up in our lives.  But our mental lives impact all 3 areas of our physiology, our behaviour and our existential health.  That's why making the time to have a chat can really help clarify the root of a problem and it's solution.  Often people benefit from just a chat at the end of a workshop or a one-to-one coaching session.  So often people start with "I'm not really sure I even need to speak to a psychologist..." and leave with so much more clarity.  So if you would like to speak with me to book a chat or presentation, just send me an email to or use our Contact page. 

Susannahhealy - Author | Psychologist | Speaker

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AS FEATURED ON:(and many more..)

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Corporate Wellbeing: Holistic HR

Some of the companies I have worked with
(but we also love to work with heroic SME's....)

Mary Milea, 3M Healthcare NER Wellbeing Manager

"Susannah gave an excellent talk to our company which was very apt and tailored to our needs at the time. She is easy to chat to and very open and empathetic in her style of delivery. Everyone related to the content and really liked her practical tips to help alleviate anxiety during a time of change"

Ann Harty, HR Manager, ABEC

"Susannah delivered one of the most powerful sessions for our employees on site in Kells on Mental Health, with a focus on Men's Mental Health. Feedback from our group was amazing as the majority being men, had never had anyone talk to them about their mental health..It opened the group up to a new level of thinking in the workplace and we are so grateful to  be able to have Susannah to support our employees.....We are forever grateful and look forward to working with Susannah again." 

Stay Tuned...

More Testimonials on the way!

Despite the increase in our collective mental health awareness, the struggle for work-life balance and the levels of fatigue and burnout show no sign of abating.

I work  with corporate clients to design workshops, training programmes and in-house research studies to help them to arrive and deliver realistic and appropriate responses to the needs of each organisation.

Themes for my speaking engagements are arrived at in cooperation with each client but some examples of topics I speak about include:


Stress, Panic, Anxiety, Burnout
360 degree Awareness for Self & Eachother


Mental Health Awareness:  

The 10 Top Need to Knows


Mental Health Management Training

Flow, Focus, Mindfulness, Sleep and more.. 

The Best Modes of Mind for Work, Rest and Play


Existential Health at Work


Personal Growth Psychology:

The Universal Desire to Live a Life That Matters


Managing People With Emotional Intelligence: The Key To Fighting  Disengagement & Turnover


The 5 Most Important Steps to Better Sleep -The Foundation For EVERY Other Thing You Do In Your Day.


Inter-Generational Communication: Understanding Each Other's Needs & Strengths


Employee Empowerment: Harnessing The Insights of Your People: (Interviews, surveys, representation, mediation)


Mindfulness for Innovation and Resilience

For bookings, or simply to chat further, please email


Psychology Services Clinic, Dublin City Centre,
South Dublin and Online.... 

Psychological Medicine for Anxiety, Stress, Burnout, "Boreout", Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS and Other Functional Somatic Disorders

  • HypnoBirthing (hynosis for Childbirth)

  • Pain Management (also using hypnosis)

  • Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (NHS based Protocol)

  • Managing Anxiety

  • Managing Stress at work and home

  • Career Review and meaningful living

  • Mindfulness Meditation Training and Courses

If you would like to book an appointment, or to chat about a concern, please email me at

For session payments please click here 

The Seven Day Soul™

"Finding Meaning Beneath the Noise"

The Seven Day Soul Cover Image.jpg

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